We recently went to a neighbor’s house warming party in Truro. They had just completed a renovation by Mark Hammer of Cambridge- and Truro-based Hammer Architects, who expertly blended the very old, existing cottage with an airy, new addition that took cues from the original design. The house was owned by a journalist who was a staff writer for the New Yorker for over 50 years. My husband had visited a few times when he was a kid, and we recently reconnected with his son and his son’s very lovely wife, who now own the home and commissioned the renovation. It looks beautiful. I love the blue door, the bar on the old staircase, the black granite kitchen, and the artwork.
ARTmonday: Group Show at Berta Walker
Friday night we went to the opening of a group show at the Berta Walker Gallery in Provincetown.Berta represents some of the best artists in Provincetown, including Paul Resika, Robert Henry, Selina Trieff, Elspeth Halvorsen, and Romolo del Deo. I am excited and proud to say that my mother-in-law, Judyth Honeycutt Katz, had six pieces in the show. Five gorgeously colored pastels of the Truro landscape hung in a group on a wall in the middle gallery, in prominent view. Another was up by the front desk. Two sold on opening night; I’d best hang on to mine! Here is a sampling of some of the pieces I liked best in the show, plus a peek at works in Berta’s office.
Oliver Chaffee
Salvatore Del Deo
Left: Salvatore Del Deo
Left: Robert Henry | Right: Romolo Del Deo
Romolo Del Deo
Far left: Paul Resika
Paul Resika
Judyth Honeycutt Katz
Judyth Honeycutt Katz
Left: Robert Henry | Center: Selena Trieff | Right: Judyth Honeycutt Katz
Penelope Jencks
Far left: Selina Trieff | Center top: William Fitts
Sky Power
Erna Patroll
Left: Herman Maril | Center: Romolo Del Deo | Right: Blanche Lazell
Romolo Del Deo
on a shelf in Berta’s office
Center left: Erna Partoll | Center right: Elspeth Halvorsen
Left: Salvatore Fiumara
Romolo Del Deo
Agnes Weinrich
Agnes Weinrich
Blanche Lazell
sculptures in Berta’s office
Berta Walker