Style Muse: Elle Fanning

I have pinned quite the collection of muses on my Style Muse Pinterest board. Ninety-five at last count, and 1005 followers. Not necessarily the most populated of the StyleCarrot boards, but still. I thought it might be nice to share an image with you each week, starting tonight, mostly because I don’t like to wait, though I think Saturday nights will be its regular slot. (Can you guess how I tend to spend Saturday evenings? I told you I had a Pinterest addiction . . . ).

Many of my muses are historic images of icons—Jackie O’ or Lauren Hutton of the 1960s or Ali McGraw and Diane von Furstenburg circa 1970s—there are many contemporary shots too, including plenty of Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Moss. However, for my very first Style Muse post, I’ve gone über young, with Elle Fanning. Mostly, I find this photo incredible—crisp and evocative. But I am quite taken with her. She may be only 13, but the girl’s got style and sass. If you’re at all intrigued, have a look at the December 2010 article with video and photo gallery in Interview Magazine.

Interview Magazine  |  Photograph: Steven Pan

ARTmonday: Héctor Sos Paper Faces

I spotted the first of these quirky portraits through Anna Degenaar on Pinterest. They’re by by Spanish artist Héctor Sos. The series is called “Paper Faces.” Maybe he’s crafty, or really digs Confetti System. Actually it’s part of a catalog for paper company Torras Papel done in 2009. Hector Sos did the art direction; photos by Xavier Mendiola.