It finally hit me today. I slept in, wandered upstairs, and just kind of sat at my computer, with that feeling in my stomach. Thankfully, my husband had been able to come home last night, for a bit of family time—being reunited is good—and for a few hours of much needed sleep. He left again before dawn. The boys seem fine. The one that was in the area during the explosion takes refuge in the amazing law enforcement and hospitals we have here. He is energized by the presence of the police, the National Guard, and the SWAT vehicles. (Boys.) School reopens tomorrow. Baseball practice went on as scheduled tonight on the Boston Common. The Public Garden is in bloom. People are moving through. #BostonStrong

All was quiet on Beacon Street as I left my house this afternoon.

Walking towards Newbury Street on Exeter, like I do every day.
But today, there are a couple of abandoned blockades on Marlborough.

The major media team vans are parked on the Comm. Ave. mall.

News crews are set up in the middle of the street.
Anchormen’s noses are powdered.

Not much traffic.

School reopens tomorrow.
Teachers and parents met today about how to talk to the kids about it.

On Newbury, businesses are open, but access towards Boylston is blocked.

The sign said “Street Closed”, but the camera doesn’t pick it up.

Walked one block on Newbury to my CVS.
Behind, on Boylston Street,
is the Crate & Barrel and Starbucks near the second blast,
which you likely saw on TV.

Picked up and dropped off my husband’s shirts at the dry cleaners.
Normally it’s not something he’d dream of asking me, but in this case . . .

Turned around and walked down to Dartmouth.
Not particularly crowded, despite the gorgeous weather.

Plenty of tables open at Stephanie’s today.

People left flowers at the intersection of Newbury and Exeter.

Strolling towards Dartmouth.

A group of policemen in front of the Newbury Street Starbucks.

Some news activity at the corner of Dartmouth and Newbury.

A sign like that of dearest Martin.

And of course, cops here too.
That’s Old South Church to the right.
Across Boylston, with the flags is the Boston Public Library.

Boston is still beautiful.

Headed back home. Trees in bloom on Comm. Ave are lovely.

A little later I head to Boston Common.
National Guard (I think) in camo.
Police cars from as far as Cape Cod are in the vicinity.

SWAT truck is undeniably cool. And scary.

He runs off to baseball practice, undeterred by the spectacle.

I walk home through the Public Garden, which is blissfully free of all that.

The willows are surely weeping today.

But the trees still bloom.