I’ve done a number of sofa roundups of a variety of sofas from gray sofas to blue velvet sofas—but I have yet to pull together a collection of sleeper sofas for you. With summer guests on the horizon, I think it’s a good idea to examine some sofa bed options.
Choosing sofa beds can be tricky, since the sofas need to be deep enough to accommodate some type of mattress wide enough to pose as a bed. This means they can be bulky; hardly the contemporary look I favour. There are a number of options that go beyond the futon, but stay simple and sleek. Even the more comfortable upholstered sofa beds for sale these days have a streamlined silhouette.
I wrote a post on daybeds a while back, so I haven’t included any here save for one sectional piece that’s admittedly more of a daybed than traditional sleeper. On the Cape I have DWR’s Twilight in green which I love, but as for my old sleeper-sofa with the thin mattress and metal bar that pops out of the sofa – not so much.
Sleeper sofa design has improved, but still, if you’re shopping for a traditional sleeper, look for constructions that solve that issue. Mitchell Gold sofas tend to be great compromises for a plush upholstered sofa with a bed inside. [Availability of items checked and updated on 1-18-17]

1 Elliot Sofa Bed, $169 at Target. (unavailable)
2 SOLSTA Sofa Bed, $179 at IKEA.
3 Bay Sleeper by Busk&Hertzog, $2,200 at DWR. (unavailable)
4 Elke Convertible Sofa, $999.99 at Room & Board.
5 Henry Sleeper, $1,299–$1,699 at West Elm.
6 Twilight Sleeper Sofa by Flemming Busk, $2,100 at DWR.
7 Gus*Modern James Sleeper Lounge, $1,850 at Lumens.
8 Mexico Futon Sofa Bed, £189.99 at Argos.
9 Blu Dot Paramount Daybed, $1,804 at YLiving.
10 Twin Sleeper Chair, $1,795 at JC Penney.
11 Alex III Sleeper at Mitchell Gold Bob Williams.
12 Chevron Futon, $199.99 at Target.
13 Sliding Sleeper Sofa by Pietro Arosio, $3,875 at DWR.
14 LifeStyle Solutions Convertible Sofa, $560 at Hayneedle.
15 KIVIK Sofa Bed with Footstool, $958 at IKEA.
16 Eden Convertible Sofa, $999 at Room & Board.
17 Blu Dot One Night Stand Sleeper Sofa, $1,999 at Lumens.
18 Patti Foam Sofa Bed at Homebase. (unavailable)
19 Artek Sofa-Bed 550.
20 Niels Bendtsen sleeper sofa, $2,540 at Hive.
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